First Tee Badging

First Tee - Orange County is rolling out a new badging system. Check it out today!

Awarding and tracking progress with badging provides a framework for kids and teens to set goals and share their success. Integrated into all First Tee Program classes are opportunities for participants to be recognized for their achievements on and off the course through First Tee’s 3 types of badges: 

  • Skill Badges are awarded by Coaches with stickers on a participant bag tag and earned by demonstrating life skills, golf skills and key commitment behaviors in First Tee classes 
  • Attendance Badges are tracked digitally by Coaches and earned for attending in-person First Tee classes 
  • Digital Badges are earned by completing supplemental activities on the First Tee App (link to App page on Chapter website)

These three badges are all coming together to gamify First Tee Programs. By logging into the First Tee App (link to App page on chapter website), participants can see all their accomplishments with First Tee in one place! 

How it Works

At the beginning of the 3rd class of the Winter session, all participants in Age 7-9, Age 10-11, Age 12-13 & Age 14+ classes will receive a First Tee Bag Tag to attach to their golf bag! (or bring home if they do not have a bag). In the 5th class of each session, players will have an opportunity to earn sticker badges for the different life skills and golf skills that have been discussed up until that point as part of a “challenge day”.  

Below is an example of what the Age 7-9 bag tag will look like:

Life Skill Badges

Show Respect & Courtesy Badge:

Participants understand that collaborating with others is better when they show respect and courtesy.

Example behaviors:
  • Shaking hands before or after a game
  • Standing still and quiet while other players are hitting

Respect the Rules Badge:

Participants can demonstrate good judgment through responsible actions and constructive choices

Example behaviors:
  • Following the coach’s instructions in the safety areas or while hitting
  • Knowing the player farthest away hits first

Be Honest Badge:

Participants understand the importance of honesty and integrity in the game of golf and in life. 

Example behaviors:
  • Keeping an accurate score on the course or in an activity
  • Getting “caught” doing the right thing with no instruction or when no one was watching

Be a Team Player Badge:

Participants understand the importance of sportsmanship and being a good sport.

Example behaviors:
  • Celebrating other players successes with high-fives and fist bumps
  • Encouraging fellow players whether they are on the same team or not

Grow Your Confidence Badge:

Participants understand the importance of maintaining a positive “I can” attitude.

Example behaviors:
  • Showing a positive attitude when playing well or poorly
  • Saying things like “I believe in myself” or “I can do it”

Set a Goal Badge:

Participants understand that goals are a way of setting expectations.

Example behaviors:
  • Announcing their target or plan for a shot
  • Sharing a goal for school with the coach

Play with Perseverance Badge:

Participants understand the importance of persevering through challenges and struggles. 

Example behaviors:
  • Continuing to try a new activity
  • Finishing a game or hole even if it’s difficult

Make Good Choices Badge:

Participants practice using good judgment on and off the golf course.

Example behaviors:
  • Selecting the right club or swing for a shot
  • Choosing a healthy snack before the class

Every participant has the opportunity to earn sticker badges based on their own progress independent of the other participants in the class.

Additional Badges

On the final day of class, players will have another “Challenge Day” with an opportunity to earn more life & golf skill badges that they did not earn earlier in the session. 

Finally, at the end of the last class of the session, we will have a “Closing Ceremony” where some players may be awarded with a “Key Commitment” sticker badge. These are more challenging to earn, but are meant to recognize players for a long-term demonstration of our First Tee Key Commitments: 

  • Collaborating with Others
  • Building a Positive Self-Identity 
  • Using Good Judgment
  • Growing Through Challenges
  • Pursuing Goals

Please know that players are NOT expected to fill up their entire bag tag throughout the course of a 9-week session, but will get to keep their bag tag with them. 

When they return for a new session, they will be able to pick up where they left off and attempt to earn more sticker badges for their tag in the new session. Once a player fills up every spot on their bag tag (or moves up an age level in the program), they will receive a NEW bag tag!


For questions about our badging system, please reach out to Sami Penor, Assistant Program Manager, at