FTOC Conducts 6-week class for Santa Ana PAAL

Thanks to a generous grant from DevTo Support Foundation (DevTo Support Foundation), we conducted a 6-week First Tee golf class for 21 underserved kids that are part of the Santa Ana PAAL program & attend Roosevelt-Walker Academy (Title 1 school, part of Santa Ana Unified School District).  We went to their site to teach our life skills & golf skills program.  The kids also wrote essays to their parents & school teacher on the most impactful life skill & how they apply it to school/home.  This culminated into a field trip to our First Tee/Dad Miller in December.  As part of this grant, we surprised the kids with their own set of junior golf clubs with the help of Roger Dunn Golf Shops in Santa Ana.  The kids were able to use their new golf clubs on our driving range, while learning the life skill of pursuing goals.

Santa Ana Police Athletic & Activity League (“Santa Ana PAAL”) is a comprehensive community program that focuses on building a bond between kids and cops through education, fitness & activities.